Memories of Leslie Killeen
Leslie Killeen - Handweaver, Durham, NC

If you have a memory of Leslie you would like posted on this page, send an email to:

In lieu of flowers, please make a donation to either the Complex Weavers, of which she was a long time member, or the Duke Forest, which she walked almost every day.

Duke Forest Improvement Fund

Complex Weavers Memorial Fund for Special Projects


Celebration of Life Program

Celebration of Life Video: Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4

Leaving Home for Better Days - North State Jam

Carolina in the Fall - Kruger Brothers

For Leslie - Kruger Brothers

Will Tuttle Songs for Leslie 2000-1 2000-2 2024

Leslie's Backpack at Complex Weavers 2024

Pictures of Leslie With Music

Card for Leslie

Perpetual Calendar Vest Book

Wedding Video 1975

Renewal Video 2000

Wedding Vows 2024


Hiking the Inca Trail Oct 2005


To know Aunt Leslie was to be bathed in kindness and compassion. She was a gentle soul who led with empathy, listening more often than speaking. She was a trendsetter, holding onto her own last name and keeping her identity at a time when that wasn’t a common choice for women. She was an artist—playing instruments, weaving breathtaking designs, and knitting love-filled winter hats for us. Aunt Leslie was selfless. She made the world better just by being in it, and she encouraged others to do so with her demeanor, her “make America kind again” buttons, and her generosity.

We hope we’ll honor Aunt Leslie by emulating her way of moving through life. We’ll miss her humility, her wise advice and her unwavering support. Her love we’ll carry with us always.

Bill & Lynn Rae


"Still waters run deep" is an apt phrase for Leslie. I appreciated her quiet but vibrant presence, her warm and compassionate nature, and the beauty she created and shared with us all. She was a gracious hostess, full of interesting stories and knowledge about so many things. It tickled me that she went snowboarding annually and I'll be forever grateful to her for sharing the website for the padded pants she wore on those expeditions! I loved the monthly music jams we shared, and the conversations that were a part of them; they were a light in the Covid darkness. Her artfully-made clothing colored up the scene as we sat outside bundled in our hats and mittens, Leslie on the dulcimer. I wish I had known her for longer. I'll miss you, Leslie. Love, Jane

Jane Anderson


Leslie's gentle manner, warm smile and engaging conversation will be missed but warmly remembered by me and others who crossed paths with her. I only knew Leslie the past three years as she became engaged with friends of the NC Mountains-to-Sea Trail. She sorta chuckled when describing how she wasn't much of a hiker but loved being in the company of hikers, walkers and lovers of the outdoors. She wanted to create a quilt to display the variety of North Carolina's natural beauty and the job it brought people hiking along the trails. Thank you Leslie for being a gentle spirit in my life. Condolences to her family and friends.

Jerry Barker

I am so glad you were in my life!
You were my sister and friend. You made my life complete.
The day you were born, I became a sister.
You lived a tremendous life!
You were wonderfully skilled at weaving. You loved to travel, camp, ski, hike and enjoy the outdoors. Your adventures took you to so many amazing places!
I love and miss you so much, even though you are not physically with me in my life you will always be a part of my heart and memories.
The day you died, you became my guardian angel.
Forever in my heart.

Ken, I just wanted to let you know how sorry I was to learn of Leslie’s death. I, myself, did not know Leslie all that well but Judy certainly did. When I got your letter it immediately brought back my own memories of when Judy died but also the renewed realization of how much Judy and Leslie shared … spinning, weaving, quilting, running, traveling, etc… and the regret that our moving to California to be with our sons prevented the growth of those shared interests between them. Anyway, we both (and myself for the last 14 years) always looked forward to your Christmas letter to learn of all your travels and accomplishments during the preceding year. It will certainly be with much sadness when I next receive your Christmas letter which I certainly hope you will continue.So sorry you will no longer have such a wonderful partner in your life.

Dick Rohlf


Dear Leslie was an inspiration to all of us. She was the most dedicated artist and a great partner to Ken. I have happy memories of Ken and Leslie visiting last summer after their long trip up to Alaska and back to NC. She and Ken will always be a happy couple in my life.
May Leslie always inspire us to be dedicated to humanity, Nature, and to our art. In great love,

Ruth Hamilton