Warp and Byte Designs - Workshop
Leslie Killeen - Handweaver, Durham, NC

Looking Beyond shaft Number for Complexity

also referred to as

Design Process-Stepping Out of the Box - Geared to 8 and Fewer Shafts

A survey of structures/ techniques well suited for the 8 shaft loom will be covered. Deflected double weave, network drafting, loom controlled shibori, and overshot variations in combination with plain weave and twills will be included, as well as fine threads and the use of color and structure repeats which do not coincide. Suggestions will help students step out side of the box to create their own unique designs. Using the computer design program as a tool will be discussed.

Presented as a 1-2 hour overview seminar or 2-3 day workshop

Deflected Double Weave


Network Drafting   


Loom contolled shibori


Overshot on 4 shafts - 512 ends per repeat!